Laser for Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a common problem in women that causes the involuntary loss of urine during coughing, sneezing, laughing, or physical exertion such as running or climbing stairs. The cause for this involuntary loss of urine is the weakening of the urethral closure mechanism, which is the result of changes in the pelvic floor region. The main contributing factors are vaginal child birth, obesity and aging.

Until now SUI was treated non-invasively through muscular training, known as Kegel exercises, which are only marginally effective since they rely on daily compliance. SUI is also treated invasively with a surgical implant known as a Urethral Sling. This procedure requires hospitalization, recovery time and could potentially cause serious complications. River City Cosmetic Medicine Clinic is now able to offer non-surgical, laser treatment for SUI.

The laser has a photo thermal heating effect on collagen in both the vaginal walls and the urethra which causes restructuring and regrowth of the collagen. This results in thickening and tightening of the vaginal walls and urethra to improve atrophy and prevent urine loss. This relatively simple, non-surgical, 15 minute, in-office procedure is highly effective, pain free and safe. A special attachment, similar to a speculum as used during a Paptest, is inserted into the vagina, during which the entire vaginal region is treated with short laser pulses through a small hand piece.

You can leave immediately after the procedure and continue your daily routine. There may be some minimal sensitivity after the procedure and a transparent discharge for 2-3 days afterwards. Sexual intercourse is not recommended for 1 week after the procedure. Scientific studies demonstrated94% of women reported that SUI improved significantlyafter 120 days and 68% were completelyfree of SUI.

Treatment is available in our Taringa office. Call 07 3870 5654 for booking.
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